To Our Community,

April is World Autism Month, an internationally recognized time to promote understanding, safety awareness, and inclusion for individuals with autism and their families. 

Here at Jigsaw-Dx, supporting families is what drives us every day of the year. Our mission is to provide the highest quality diagnostic and supportive services for childhood neurobehavioral conditions. We strive to streamline the process, reduce family burden and stress, and ultimately make the most impact for children during the critical early years of brain development.

How have we been measuring up to our mission? 

Just in time for World Autism Month, we’re proud to announce:

• We’ve helped 1,000 children with comprehensive evaluations for ASD and other neurodevelopmental conditions from our childhood development experts

• 1,066 parents and caregivers taken our free online screener for ASD 

• 11 insurances now cover us in network in California alone

But our accomplishments are not just numbers. The true reward in our work lies in the countless stories of families helped. Just a few: 

A mother knew something was off with her two year old son and had been repeatedly told to "wait and see if he grows out of it" by their pediatrician. She had an "aha" moment after the Jigsaw screener revealed he was at high risk for ASD, and she was able to schedule a full Jigsaw evaluation for him the next week.

A dad was in urgent need of an evaluation for his toddler after being informed he would lose services at their regional center if he didn’t have it within two weeks. He had called various providers only to find that they all had wait lists for appointments that were at least three months long. We were able to schedule him within a few days and expedite the report so he had it on time. 

A rural couple in a remote area were informed they would have to drive over five hours with their four-year-old who had significant behavioral challenges to attend an in-person appointment, causing significant disruption to their jobs and family routines. "Don’t worry," we assured them. "We can help you right from your town, your living room even.” 

At Jigsaw Dx, we’re motivated by the lifelong positive impacts of bringing children and their families the timely, affordable, accessible care they deserve.

Thank you for allowing us to support you!

The Jigsaw Dx Team